Catherine Ravenscroft, a TV documentary journalist who has long built on exposing the wrongdoings of respected institutions, says the following. Series, medium length telephoto. Such a lens will not be able to focus on close-up subjects in a selfie with Sasha or in the bedroom with Catherine.. The cat is the star! I have to admit, I’m enjoying this. I look forward to seeing how it goes. Give it a watch, it’s pretty impressive. Cate Blanchett is quite annoying. Kevin Klein I feel is a bit of a mistake. Everyone except Jonathan is horrible. The actress who plays a younger version of Cate is stunning and beautiful – I never remember Cate being so hot. Ali G doesn’t recognize- Sasha BC to start with big raises. I’m just wondering where Jonathan’s first girlfriend went? Will she come back to this – I will wait. It’s a fascinating watch, spin it. But then again, The Cat is The Star!